Fees and payments

Your fees cover the care you receive and your accommodation, and sometimes additional services. Outlined below are the fees you may be required to pay.

Care Fees

Basic daily care fee
$61.96 per day


Means tested care fee
Determined by the Department of Human Services.

  • What is this?

    Care fees include the Basic Daily Care Fee and a Means Tested Care Fee.

  • Basic Daily Care Fee

    This fee is set out by the Government and equates to 85% of the full pension. The fee amount will be reviewed on the 20th March and 20th September each year in line with the pension increase. Everyone in aged care is required to pay this fee unless they are experiencing financial hardship which will be determined by Centrelink.

  • Means Tested Care Fee

    This is an additional daily care contribution fee based upon an individual’s assets and income. This fee is determined by the Department of Human Services upon completing a ‘Request for a Combined Assets and Income Assessment form’ and is capped annually and over a resident’s lifetime.


Accommodation Fees

Your choice of 4 fee
payment options

View Payment Option Details

  • What is this?

    You may be required to pay all or contribute to the cost of your accommodation if your assets and income total above an amount set by the Commonwealth Government.

  • To allow you flexibility there are four payment options to choose from.
    • Daily accommodation payment
    • Refundable accommodation deposit
    • Combination payment
    • Drawdown payment

Other services

Other services

  • What is this?

    Additional services are offered on an “opt in, opt out” basis; examples of additional services offered are Special menu choice, Dedicated Nursing Assistant, Shopping Service. For a full list of optional services and prices at this care home, please contact us.


! Accommodation prices are accurate as at 1 July 2024 but are subject to change. Final costs are confirmed on the date of admission (subject to receiving the assets and income assessment letter if you choose to carry out this assessment).

Accommodation fee options

In addition to care fees you may also be required to pay an accommodation payment. The accommodation payment refers to the price of the room that you choose. The amount that you are required to pay is based upon an individual’s assets and income and is determined by the Department of Human Services through completing a Request for a Combined Assets and Income Assessment. You may be required to pay all or contribute to the cost of your accommodation. This form is not compulsory to complete, but for those who choose not to you will be required to pay the full room price.

To allow for flexibility there are four ways in which you can choose to pay for your accommodation.

  • Option 1

    Daily Accommodation Payment

    $114.52 per day

    for a Single room with private ensuite

    What is this?

    Instead of paying for your accommodation as a lump sum you can choose to pay a daily fee. The amount you pay is based on a daily rate in line with the current MPIR (maximum permissible interest rate).

  • Or
  • Option 2

    Refundable Accommodation Deposit


    for a Single room with private ensuite

    What is this?

    This option is a lump sum accommodation payment. The balance of the deposit is refunded when you leave the aged care home less any amounts you have agreed to have deducted.

  • Or
  • Option 3

    Combination Payment

    For Example

    Agreed RAD of $300,000.00 once off
    And DAP of $45.81 per day

    DAP is calculated as follows:

    Room Price = $500,000
    Agreed RAD = $300,000
    Maximum Permissible Interest Rate = 8.36%

    DAP = [($500,000-$300,000) X 8.36%]/365
    = $45.81 per day

    What is this?

    Part refundable accommodation (RAD) deposit and part daily accommodation payment (DAP); with the part Refundable Accommodation Deposit being refunded when you leave the aged care home.

  • Or
  • Option 4

    Drawdown Payment
    What is this?

    This option is similar to the combination option, but the Daily Accommodation Payment component is taken from your Refundable Accommodation Deposit, with the balance of the deposit refunded when you leave the aged care home.

  • Or

! Accommodation prices are accurate as at 1 July 2024 but are subject to change. Final costs are confirmed on the date of admission (subject to receiving the assets and income assessment letter if you choose to carry out this assessment).